Within the CrossLinked Revival network
participants are encouraged to relate to
each other as friends, not just formal colleagues.
The core vision is to see the Kingdom of
God extended through the multiplication
of revival communities. This network welcomes
people, movements, organizations, churches
and denominations as long as they share
a vision and a practical conviction for
revival communities. There is no membership,
but rather a dynamic link system, within
which every group or person defines the
amount and quality of relationship or input
he or she wants to give or receive. Every
participant should bring their core competence
to bear upon the task of igniting revival
communities. This can be moral support,
research, writing, intercessory, financial
or adminstrative abilities, or any one of
the five-fold ministries. Everyone is therefore
encouraged to function within his or her
God-given gifting and specialty to blend
into an informal strategic partnership towards
the spiritual transformation of cities,
regions, and nations.