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Welcome to the New Generation Ministries Network (NGMN) partnership team page. We want to thank you for considering the opportunity to be a part of what God is doing through NGMN. Your prayers, financial and spiritual gifts make it possible for this ministry to share the love and message of the Gospel, pray for the sick and oppressed, and assist the poor and needy around the world. When you partner with the NGMN team you are empowering this ministry to do what it could not do alone.

CrossLinked Revival Network

Within the CrossLinked Revival network participants are encouraged to relate to each other as friends, not just formal colleagues. The core vision is to see the Kingdom of God extended through the multiplication of revival communities. This network welcomes people, movements, organizations, churches and denominations as long as they share a vision and a practical conviction for revival communities. There is no membership, but rather a dynamic link system, within which every group or person defines the amount and quality of relationship or input he or she wants to give or receive. Every participant should bring their core competence to bear upon the task of igniting revival communities. This can be moral support, research, writing, intercessory, financial or adminstrative abilities, or any one of the five-fold ministries. Everyone is therefore encouraged to function within his or her God-given gifting and specialty to blend into an informal strategic partnership towards the spiritual transformation of cities, regions, and nations.

Name: Email Address:
Intercessory Network

We believe that it is God’s mandate for us as a ministry to base everything we do on prayer. From time to time NGMN will need to call upon intercessors that can take time out to partner with us in prayer for the particular needs of the ministry. With that in mind we have formed the Intercessory Network. This is a network of intercessors that have a genuine love and burden for NGMN, and will continuously hold the ministry up in prayer before the Lord. Also, the Intercessory Network will be informed via email as particular prayer needs arise in the ministry. If you feel the Lord is leading you to be a part of the Intercessory Network, please submit the following information:

Name: Email Address:
Financial Partnership Team

As always we are grateful for all gifts large and small, but we are particularly empowered when you become part of the NGMN monthly Financial Partnership Team. When you partner with us on a monthly basis it helps up sustain our vision for long-term goals and projects. As with every organization our financial commitments come on a monthly basis, and your monthly support reinforces our efforts and brings strength to help us accomplish all that we feel God is calling us to do. We have created a fast and secure way to make donations directly to the ministry using a credit or bankcard, by clicking on one of the donation links below. Thank you for all of your gifts and support as they are a great source of encouragment to us.


Monthly Partnership Team
Monthly Partnership Amount
Foundation Partnership
Cornerstone Partnership
One Time Gift      

We are committed to helping others. Do you need a resource or a connection to a resource? Please contact us so that we can prayerfully consider helping you with your God given mission.

Name: Email Address:
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